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IV Studios raises $780,200 for Veiled Fate Kickstarter campaign

IV Studios raises $780,200 for Veiled Fate Kickstarter campaign
Source: IV Studios

The strategic deduction game Veiled Fate closed its Kickstarter campaign last week with $780,200 pledged from over 8,300 backers. IV Studios, the publisher and Kickstarter creator, estimated that backers will get the game around June of 2021.

Fast Facts about Veiled Fate

  • Players accommodated: 2-8
  • Stated play time: 60-120 minutes
  • Lower age limit: Box says 14
  • Rulebook length: 43 pages
  • Lowest Kickstarter pledge: $49

Veiled Fate bills itself as a “strategic deduction game” that’s a bit more complex than your average social deduction game. The game mechanics are fairly complex (the game takes 1-2 hours to play) but players are dealt a secret demigod card at the beginning of the game that has different strategic advantages.

The game features a circular board and a contained number of miniatures. The nine miniatures can even be replaced with cardboard standees if backers wanted a slightly cheaper pledge level ($85 for minis, $65 for standees, and $49 for “more affordable components.”)

If backers wanted higher-quality components, those were available as well. Everything from wooden boards to metallic miniatures were available as add-ons, some for hundreds of dollars.

Anyone who missed the Kickstarter can make a late pledge until the end of November. If you’d like more information, IV Studios put together a brief how-to-play video:

Source: IV Studios